Here is a teaser the upcoming HP Palm tablet.Now that the kitty's out of the gemstone bag, we're slowly starting to connect the dots that obscure the details of Palm's soon to be announced "Topaz" and "Opal" tablets. First up is information from one of our original trusted sources who claims that the Opal will measure 180 x 144 x 13mm (making it a bit shorter and wider than the 190.1 x 120.5 x 12-mm Galaxy Tab) and feature a 1,024 x 768 pixel TFT LCD display. We're told that the bigger Topaz tablet will ship about three months before Opal and measures in at 241 x 190 x 13mm (making it nearly identical to the 242.8 x 189.7 x 13.4-mm iPad) with a pixel resolution that could be the same as the Opal (our source wasn't 100 percent on this). We're also hearing that the "premium audio" we saw on that leaked marketing slide will indeed be powered by HP's Beats audio processing, and that the tablets will be provided with "tens of gigabytes" of cloud storage -- so much that it dwarfs the local storage on the devices. Good, because you're going to need it from the looks of some additional information we just received. Click through for the detail.
Our HP Palm prompted a tipster (who wishes to remain anonymous) to send us a consumer survey conducted very recently by GfK Custom Research North America, a company HP has used before (Google it) to gain insight into consumer interests. While the survey doesn't mention Palm or HP by name, it's rife with trademarked terms like "Synergy" used in the descriptions of the "different things this new tablet computer can do." In other words, the features described already exist in the tablet(s) and the survey is attempting to gauge interest, presumably in an attempt to fine tune the promotional materials and marketing approach. One such feature mentioned is "Touchstone," where the survey asks the respondent how interested they are in a programmable wireless charging dock that transforms the tablet into an alarm clock, digital photo frame, and GPS unit -- sounds like webOS 2.0Exibition to us. This is corroborated by a trusted source who confirmed to us that inductive charging will, in fact, be a feature of the HP / Palm tablets.
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